Saturday, April 07, 2007

A couple of new jigs

As far as I can tell, all luthiers build a lot of jigs to make the process of building a guitar easier and more repeatable. The neck joint is one feature that is difficult to do free-hand, and is pretty easy to screw up. This particular guitar will have a double mortise and tenon joint. I learned about the joint in a couple of discussions on the OLF and then again on a set of DVDs I bought from John Mayes. The joint was pretty easy to do, and should make the eventual neck re-set easy to do as well. There are three jigs to complete this type of joint.

The first jig is used to cut the tenon on the neck. The neck has to be angled back from the plane of the top in order to have enough room for the bridge plus the action of the strings. The neck is clamped on the right side of the jig with the heel at the top. A template on top of the jig is used with a router to cut the tenon. The aluminum bar on the left is used to set the angle of the neck. As I write this I realize it would have been helpful to show a picture of the procedure used to set the angle of the neck. Plans for this jig can be purchased from the OLF.

Here is a picture of the business end of the jig. with the tenon routed. I will post pictures of the two other jigs when I write about guitar #3.

The next jig is a very simple gauge for measuring the thickness of tops, backs, sides or whatever. It is made from some scrap wood and a digital dial indicator from Harbor Freight. The dial indicator is attached to a piece of aluminum angle with a bolt. The end of the indicator contacts a carriage bolt. The round top of the bolt makes it easy to slide a piece of wood into the gauge without worrying that I'm holding it at an angle.

I clamp the thing in my vise when I am using it and hang it on a hook when I don't need it. The cost for this was less than $20, and I use it all the time.

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